Welcome to Ford Medtech
Her Health Matters
Who We Are
Working for A Cervical Cancer-free Future

Our Mission
Ford Medtech supports the World Health Organization's goal of a “cervical cancer-free future.” We’ll do this by providing a simple, easy-to-use medical device alternative to the currently used methods of retracting lax/redundant tissue during the frequently performed speculum examination of the cervix. Our medical device allows for increased visualization of the cervix for optimal examination.
We're in it to Win
Ford Medtech strives to be a world leader in designing and developing innovative medical devices that help lead to a cervical cancer-free future. January is cervical cancer awareness month in the U.S.

We're Here for You
Jackie Ford, MD is an OBGYN physician who’s been helping women for over 20 years. She designed a medical device to aid in the examination for cervical cancer so every woman can live her best life, a healthy life. For Dr. Ford, the patient's health matters -- to her, to her family, and to her community. Dr. Ford is excited to share more information about her medical device and mission at her exhibitor booth #1324 during ACOG in May 2023, as well as through the contact information below.

The Speculum Sleeve
"Seeing is Caring"
Investigational product - not for sale in the USA.